Rabu, 02 November 2016

Story of biograpghy

assalamualaikum guys 
this is my story of someone biography..
do you want to know?? Lets check it out .............

We Never Know

       “Hahahahha”. That’s laugh. She loves to laugh. She likes to make everyone laugh and smile. She likes a comedian in television who can make us happy. She never look sad in fronts of people. She acts as  a girl without any problem, without  any trouble on her life and very enjoy with her life.

          Making  people laugh is mean  we make a joke. Make a joke is one of her ability actually on the campus. She never lost the idea to make a joke. She feels happy when everyone  laugh because of her and she never want the situation around her is very quite.

          We know a typical girl like this.  Always smile is their mask in fronts of people. But actually she does not look like in the cover. She has many problem which never tells from her lips. She does not look happy like the outside. Sometimes when she is a  alone, she feels so lonely and want to cry.

          Every heart in this world have ever feel so down when they get a problem, a big problem. Same with that fact, she has  ever feel like that. She want to cry and want to left her problem on another place. Fly like a bird without a burden on the wings. She want to be very happy girl.

          She express her feeling with laughing. Never stop making people smile, because with smile she slightly forget her troubles and her problem in this world. Do you know who is the girl? She is SUSI LESTARI. We never know what she feels all the time in her life.

The Endless Struggle  

Day by day, time by time have she passed with a lot of things. Happy, sad, worry and many other feelings that can not explain with word. She is Susi Lestari, An English Department Student in University of Lancang Kuning. She was born on August 14th 1997 in Pekanbaru. She is the third child and the youngest child in her family. She has many nickname they are susi, tari, and sule. She was an attractive girl because she have good attitude and cheerful whenever she go.

She start to school  in elementary school of 28 Pekanbaru, she have many friends cause she is a humble person. And then, she school in Junior High school 6 Pekanbaru. She grow up to be a teenager and know what she want. In Junior High School, she follow extraculiculer  “Rohis”. She grow up to be a moeslimah girl and she so innocent at the time. Three years later, she is a student in Senior High School 7 Pekanbaru. At this moment, tari start to know about love, life and friendship. She get many friends to share her daily activities, to talk their life and others.

Actually, before study in UNILAK, she want to study in State University in Riau such as UNRI or UIN but she failed when she passed the test. Then, University of Lancang Kuning is her choise and her parents choise to continue her study. Another reason she choose UNILAK because its near from her house. 

When she choose the major that she like, she get many consideration. From Law Faculty, tari like to debate or give an argument and she want to learn in law faculty. However, her parents give a suggestion to her future life if she studied in law. Day by day she though, finally she choose faculty of teacher training and education, with the major is english department. 

Right now, Susi Lestari study in a 3rd semester  in Faculty of teacher training and education. She choose an English Department because her parents want her get a good job with learning English. She tried to learn English more. 

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