Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

Introduction to Literature

Assalamualaikum guys

Welcome in my blog again. Its been a long time I didn’t post again. Yeah, this is my newest post in a few months. Hahaha.

Okay, this post talk about introduction to Literature, I got it from my majority and I’ll try to  share with you. Do yo know what is Literature??

Literature will talk about “sastra” such as Prose( Novel, etc), Poetry (poem) and Drama. Here I am gonna give some definision of Literature, they are :

1.    According Pickering, James H & Hoeper, Jeffrey D
" the creation of literature is a uniquely human activity, born of man's timeless desire to understand, express, and finally share experiences, (1981. 01:307)".

2.    Rebecca West
 Literature is " Literature  must  be  an  analysis  ofexperience  and  a  synthesis  of  the findings into a unity" (Rebecca West).

3.    The Latin litteratura meaning
Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material. Derived from the Latin litteratura meaning "writing formed with letters," literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and in some instances, song.  

4.    Terry Eagleton
Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech”.

5.    Salman Rushdie or Vladamir Nabakov. 
Literature is the creation of another world, a world that we can only see through reading literature.

6.    The 11th edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 
 literature to be “writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest.” 

7.    Literature is something that reflects society, makes us think about ourselves and our society, allows us to enjoy language and beauty, it can be didactic, and it reflects on “the human condition”. 

8.    Literature is writings  in  which  expression  and  form,  in connection  with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays.

9.    Literature is   writing considered as an art form, or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage. 

10. Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, “Literature” is used to describe writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of creative imagination, including works of Poetry, drama, fiction, and nonficton.

   From 10 definison above, we can conclude that Literature is writings that have a beautiful word and excellence which is based on the human condition, life.
That is about Literature we can shared with you. Thank you for your coming in this site, I hope this article will be useful for the visitor especially to my reader.


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