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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Reference Book's of Linguistic

Linguistics Books

Hy everyone,
In this posting, I am going to give you more  information about the one of POPULAR book in Linguistics.

An Introduction To Linguistics
By : Loreto Todd
Longman York Press Singapore Publishers

This is my first reference and my source book’s for study of introduction to linguistic. This book is very good for student who want to learn about linguistics. This book is very recommended for you, if you want to know about phonetics and etc. Because this book is not only tell the general of Linguistics but you will find the detail information and knowledge about the part of Linguistics.
An Introduction to Linguistics Book’s have 9 chapters, they are :

1.     What is Linguistics
2.     Phonology
3.     The sounds of english
4.     Morphology
5.     Lexicology
6.     Syntax
7.     Semantics
8.     Linguistics schools in the twentieth century
9.     Branches of Linguistics
and has a part that tell the glossary of useful terms of this book.
        This Linguistics books is very easy to learn it because it is not use many difficult word. For you, if you are not master of english you can read this book as your reference.

The second book

A Linguistics Primer for Malaysians
By : Logan Mahesan Baskaran
Published by : University of Malay Press

         This is my second references books, I borrow this book from my friends and copied it. This book is very helpful for you, if you have an assigment of Linguistcs.  With the familiar words, this book is easy to learn it. This book is not only tell the Pure  Lingustics but also  tell and give more information about applied Linguistics.

           There are 9 chapter that tell the Pure Linguistics and applied Linguistics. The pure Linguistics, such as :
·      Phonetics and Phonology
·      Morphology and Syntax
·      Lexicology and semantics
The applied Linguistics, are :
·      Pragmatics
·      Sociolinguistics
·      Pshycolinguistics
·      Historical Linguistics
·      Millenium Linguistics

            This book have content pages 181 pages but there are many pictures, so you can more understand about this book.

I hope this post can help you, thanks  for visit My Blog,,
Thank You J

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

My Quotes

5 Beautiful Quotes for You

                        “Kehidupan itu Bagai Roda yang Terus Berputar”

            Kalimat di atas adalah salah satu perumpamaan  yang sering kita dengar, dan hal tersebut memang benar hidup kita itu bagai roda yang berputar,  kadang terasa mudah dan juga terkadang terasa sulit untuk dijalani.

Di dalam kehidupan ini kita pasti pernah mendapatkan kesenangan dan kesedihan(kesulitan). Jika kita sedih, apa sih yang kita lakukan?? Kita pasti akan temenung memikirkan solusi untuk masalah kita.

 Di posting-an kali ini saya akan memberikan 5 kata motivasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan mudah walaupun banyak rintangan yang akan kita hadapi.

1.      The purpose of our lives is to be happy. - Dalai Lama

2.     I have found that if you love life, life will love you back. - Arthur Rubinstein

3.     Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. – Confucius

4.   You were given this life, because you're strong enough to live it

5.     Every story has an end but in life every ending is just a new beginning - uptown girl


       References :

Selasa, 22 Maret 2016



As I know , Phonology involves two studies :

m     The study of the production, transmission, and reception of speech. And its known as  “Phonetics”.
m    The study of the sounds and sounds pattern of spesific language, and it’s known as “Phonemics”.

The first explanation is Phonetics. Let we talk about Phonetics. So What is Phonetics??? What is the material that include in Phonetics??

Phonetics is the science of human speech sounds.

To understand the mechanics of human languages one has to understand the physiology of the human body. Letters represent sounds in a rather intricate way. This has advantages and disadvantages. To represent sounds by letters in an accurate and uniform way the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) was created.

It has three  subfields or branches on human speech sound, such as :
   Articulatory phonetics. This examines the articulatory (vocal) organs and their role in the production of speech sounds.
   Acoustic phonetics. This deals with the physicalproperties of speech sounds as they travel through the air in the form of sound waves.
   Auditory phonetics, which examines the way in which human beings perceive speech sounds through the medium of the ear.

In Phonetics, we shall learn about sounds. 
What is sound??
Sounds produced by passing of the air-stream through the various glottal and supraglottal organ of speech.
Sounds can be divided into two main types.
Р                A vowel       is a sound that needs an open air passege in the mouth. The air passage can be modified  in terms of shape with different mouth and tongue shapes producing different vowels.
Р        A consonant   is formed when the air stream is restricted or stopped at some point between the vocal cords and lips .

If we want to say something, we will produce a word, so where is the place  to produce a sound and word??

We know it as “Place of Articulation”

            There are 8 commonest places of articulation, are :

a.    Bilabial = where the lips come together as in the sounds /p/, /b/, and /m/.

                       b. Labiodental = where the lower lip and the upper teeth come together as for the sounds /f/, amd /v/.
                c.   Dental =  where the tip or the balde of the tongue comes in contract with the upper teeth as in pronunciation of the initial sound in ‘thief’ and ‘then’.

            d.   Alveolar = when the tip or balde of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge which is directly behind the upper teeth.
e.  Velar = the back of the tongue approximates to the soft palates.
  f.   Palatal = the front of the tongue approximates to the hard palate.

        g.   Palato-alveolar = the tip of the tongue is closed to the alveolar ridge while the front of tongue is concaveto the roof of the mouth.

`                       h. Glottal =  What you are actually doing to keep the air from expelling out of your lungs by closing your glottis.  
  • h/ as in "hi" and "Bahamas".  
  • /?/ - This is actually the culprit behind many of the "silent syllables". For example, in the phrase "wha(t) time is it?" the /t/ in "what" is dropped and the vowel sound before it is closed at the glottis.

      Source :
      introduction to linguistics.Loreto Todd.
      Introduction to English Linguistics.  A Companion to the Seminar.László Varga. PDF

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Introduction to Linguistics

What is an Introduction to Linguistics?

Hi readers,
I come back with the new posting about Linguistics....
Do you know what is Linguistics? if you don't know, we will learn together what  Linguistics is.

OK, Let we start it!!!!

Introduction to Linguistics

Whatever else people do, when they come together, whether they play, fight, make love-they are talking each other. we communicate with other people using language, and we live in a world of language. To understand our humanity, one must understand the nature of language that make us human. According to the philosophy expressed in the myth and religions of many peoples. Language is the source of human life and  power.

What is the meaning of language? 
Languages are sets of signs. Signs combine an exponent (a sequence of letters or sounds) with a meaning. Grammars are ways to generate signs from more basic signs. Signs combine a form and a meaning, and they are identical with neither their exponent nor with their meaning.

So what is Linguistics? 
Linguistics is the scientific study of language, the medium that allows us to communicate and share our ideas with others and including the sounds or sign, words, and grammar rules. As a discipline, linguistics examines the structural components of sound, form, and meaning, and the precise interplay between them. 
Linguistics is also relevant to other disciplines, such as psychology, philosophy, mathematics, computer science, sociology and anthropology.

There are two part of Linguistics, "Pure Linguistics" and "Applied Linguistics". I will explain more detail in below :


Phonetics is the study of sounds. To understand the mechanics of human languages one has to understand the physiology of the human body. Letters represent sounds in a rather intricate way. It is the study of actual sounds of human languages, their production and their perception. It is relevant to linguistics for the simple reason that the sounds are the primary physical manifestation of language.

Phonetics has three subfields or branches, are :
•  The oldest branch, and also the one which is the most relevant in foreign language teaching, is articulatory phonetics. This examines the articulatory (vocal) organs and their role in the production of speech sounds.

•  The second branch is acoustic phonetics. This deals with the physical properties of speech sounds as they travel through the air in the form of sound waves.

•  The third branch is called auditory phonetics, which examines the way in which human beings perceive speech sounds through the medium of the ear.

Phonology describes the way sounds function within a given language and operates at the level of sound systems and abstract sound units.

Morphology  is the study of morphemes, which are the smallest significants units of grammar.
In morphology, there are Free and bound morphemes :
·         Free morphemes is morphemes which can occur freely in their own.
·         Bound morphemes is morphems which can only occur as affixes. This morphemes are divided into two types : (affixes) those like ‘dis-’ and ‘un-‘ and (prefixes) those like ‘-ly’ and ‘–ness’.

Derivational morphology :
-        Commonly occuring prefixes are ‘be-‘, ‘de-‘, ‘en-‘, ‘ex-‘, ‘hyper-‘, ‘pre-‘, ‘pro-‘, ‘re-‘, ‘sub-‘, ‘super-‘, and ‘trans-‘. Prefixes  alterr meaning but donot always changes the function of the word.
-       Commonly occuring suffixes always change the class of the word.
a.    Word ending in the morphemes ‘-acy’, ‘-ation’, ‘-er/-or’, ‘-ess’, ‘-ity’, ‘-ment’, ‘-ness’, and ‘-ship’ tend to be nouns :
Democracy               actor               weakness

b.    Words ending ‘-ise/ize’ tends to be verbs :
epitomise                               hospitalise

c.    Words ending ‘-able’, ‘-ed’, ‘-ful’, ‘-ical’, ‘-ive’, ‘-less’, ‘-like’, ‘-ous’, and ‘-y’ tends to be adjectives :
Enjoyable                              polished                    comical         
Diminutives                          helpless                    indudstrious

d.    Words which end in ‘-ly’ tend to be adverb :
Quickly                                  securely

Lexicology is the study of the word and whereas the sudy of sounds or word segments. So what is words ??
Words are only one of the strands in language, a strand that has, in the past, been given, too much attention and a strand that, because of our familiarity with it, we have often failed  to study as rigorously and as objectively as other aspects of language.

e)     SYNTAX
Syntax is the study of the structure of sentences. 
a.    The phrase
A phrase ia a group of words which functions as a unit and with the exception of the verb phrase iself, does not contain a finite verb. A finite verb is one that can take as its subject a pronoun such as ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘he’, ‘she’,’it’, ‘they’.
     There are five commonly occuring types of phrase in English : noun phrases, adjectives phrases, verb phrases, adverb phrases, and preposition phrases.

b.    The clause
The clause is a group of words which contains a finite verb but which cannot occur in isolation, that is, a clause constitutes only part of a sentences.
In complex sentences, we have at least two clauses :
-       A main clause
-       Dependent clause/ subordinate

c.    The sentences
                each sentences is an independent linguistic form, not include by virtue of any grammatical construction in any larger linguistic form.

Semantics is the study of meaning in language.
Ñ Polysemy : polysemy is the word that has ‘many meanings’ or ‘multiple meanings’ that followed by the most closely related meanings and with metaphorical extensions coming last.
Ñ Synonymy : synonymy is the word that ‘having the same meanings’ but in another definition, synonymy is aways partial, never complete.
Ñ Antonymy : antonymy is the general term applied to the sense relation involving oppositeness of meaning.
Ñ Idioms : an idioms is a group of words whose meaning cannot be explained in terms of the habitual meanings of the words that make up the piece of language.
Ñ Hyponymy : hyponymy is related to complementarity and incompatibility. Whereas the relationship of implicit denial is called incompability, the relationship of implicit inclusion is hyponymy.


Language is used in all over the world. For example, travellers have always known that communication depends on the ability to modify language use. Sometimes the modifications required are relatively slight, as when  they wants to get directions.
          Recently, the insights gained in sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics have been applied to language teaching and learning. Many language is used  for anything like computer linguistics,stylistics and another language in any part of life. Its always develope on human life.

Source :
Introduction to Linguistics. Loretto todd.1987. Longman Singapore Publisher..
Introduction to English Linguistics.  A Companion to the Seminar.László Varga. PDF
An introduction to Language.Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams. PDF

I think that's all about Linguistics that I can share,, thanks for visit my blog :)

It's Me



Hi readers,

How are you?? I hope you are fine and have a nice day,,

this is my first posting in my first blog :)

Before you read my first post, I would like to say big thanks to you all because you have wasted your time to see my first blog, thank you very much...

OK, let me introduce my self, my name is Asri Laraswati, I have more than one nick name like asri, aci, sri, laras, it's up to you guys but don't call me wati, please... 
I am 18 years old, still young, right?? I was born in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, on August 3rd 1997. 

I am a second children in my family, and I have a brother.Besides, I have a mother, and my father has pass away one year ago...

Right now, I am a student in one of university in Rumbai,, "UNILAK" (University of Lancang Kuning), in faculty of teacher training and education, 2nd semesters. I like English so I choose English department.

Oke let we talk about my hobbies,, 
          First, I like reading, especially reading "romance story", usually I love to read a story from 'WATTPAD', one of an application in my handphone, but I never give a comment and vote to them..  am I an illegal readers?? hahaha forget it... 
          Second, I like sing a song, such as American song, like  What Do you mean? from "Justin Bieber", bollywood song, and always in my deep heart is DANGDUT, for example is Sambalado, minyak wangi, and kereta malam.....

I have so many hobbies that i cannot share with you right now,,Maybe in other posting I will share my other hobbies and my daily activities...

I think enough for my first posting,, thanks :)