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Senin, 29 Mei 2017

Welcome to my blog again....
Here, I would like to discuss about proverb..
 Let we start

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Power Point of Proverb

Proverb (Pepatah)

Meaning of Proverb
A proverb is most often a phrase or saying that gives advice in obscure way. The phrase usually has a message behind that when first we heard may seem a little ood.

Based on expert definition
Mieder has proposed the definition
“a proverb is a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorizable form and which is  handed down from generation to generation.”

Miguel de Cervantes
“a proverb is a short sentence based on long experience”

 Role of Proverb
The most common role that a proverb plays is to educate. It is as advice in conversation, to educate people on what might happen if they do something.

The other one is to sharing a culture on many works from famous writers in the world. For  example J.R.R. Tolkien in his novel “The Hobbit” and “ The Lord of the rings”.

Not only on a novel or a books but proverbs use in drama and films. For example is Forrest Gump.

Examples of Proverb

Proverbs are not always easy to translate as a literal translation might alter their meanings.  However some english proverbs do have similar meanings.

From English to Indonesian

“Actions speak louder than words.”
It means that  what you do is more important than what you say  or It means people can say whatever they want but actually doing something will teach more than just saying it.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
It means if we eat a fruit we can health so we should not to go to doctor
In Indonesia : Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati

“Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”
In Indonesian : Cantik itu relatif dan tergantung dengan orang yang memandang

“Curiosity killed the cat.”
It means that You might be put yourself in danger if you get too much into people’s business  or  Beware of things that you are too interested to and make you too curious because sometimes it can lead you to problems

“Love is blind.”
It means that If you love someone,you cannot see any faults in that person

“Money does not grow on trees.”
It means that we must hard work to get something because money does not grow on tree.

“Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”
it means don’t take on more than you can handle.

“Good things come in small packages.”
It means that the happiness will come from the little thinngs
In Indonesia : Hal baik datang dalam bentuk atau jumlah yang kecil sehingga kadang kita tidak sadari

From Indonesian to English
“Alah bisa  karena biasa”
English :  Practice makes perfect

“Dimana ada kemauan disitu ada jalan”
English : Where there is a will, there is a way

“Dikasih hati minta jantung”
English : Give him an inch and he will take a yard

“Rajin pangkal pandai”
English : Presevere and never fear / Dilligence is the mother of good luck

“Sepandai pandai tupai meloncat, akhirnya jatuh juga”
English : A good marksman may miss

“Berakit rakit kehulu berenang renang kemudian, bersakit sakit dahulu berenang renang kemudian”
English : No pain no gain / No risks, no rewards

“Buah jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya”
English : Like father like son


Minggu, 08 Januari 2017

Learning Writing

Assalamualaikum everyone,,

Okay, Now I will give the examples of Discussion Text and Report Text about Riau.

Check This Out !!!!!!!!

1.                   Discussion text

Good or Bad A Moratorium of National  Examination In Riau?

         National examination is one way to determinants of student for graduate from their school. Usually this program is applied to Elementary School, Junior High School and Senior High School. But in this year, the goverment plan a viral issue in Indonesia that they would “Moratorium of National Eaxamination”. Moratorium of National Examination means that National Examination will be stopped for a while because for all the time, this program is not considered optimal in promoting the quality of national education.

          In Riau, Some people and a lead of education authorities believe that National examination  make such disadvantages to the students when they passed it. First, National examination more burden the students when they absorb the lesson in the school. National examination on psychologically considered  make a stressful for the students. They are stress because their graduation will be determined by this program on three or four days.  If they are failed, they will study and join the examination on the next year. Next, in practice, national examination filled unfair by students, teachers, principals to the bureaucratic elite of education. Cost of this  program is billion hundred rupiah, and its considered wasteful and poorly targeted. The last, with national examination, gives justification that education in rural areas lagging quality than urbans areas.

          In the other hand, national examination should give some good advantages  for students in the school. National examination will encourage a seriousness of learning for the students. Students will be compelled spirit of studying to get high score (point) in national examination. Then, national examination is an ideal parameter for measuring the achivement of quantitive standard of understanding in the school that apply nationally. If moratorium of national  examination is enforced, there is no standard test that could be the benchmark and can lead the laziness on the students

          However, the moratorium of national examination is one plan from government to make a new good evaluation in this country exactly in Riau for next generation. Each of school  can make a formula to final examination for their students based on integrated learning. Then, government need to increase the capacity of teachers with a good qualification for better quality on our education system.  As a teacher in riau, they shoul make a motivation for their students to keep spirit in learning and understanding altought without the national examination.

2.               Report  text

     Mangrove Ecotourism Park 

          Mangrove Ecotourism Park or Ecotourism Mangrove Mengkapan  or Mangrove Forest Mengkapan is one of destination on Riau, exactly in Siak region. It is located in a village called Mengkapan Village, Apit River districts about 30 minutes from downtown of  Siak. Ecotourism Mangrove Mengkapan managed by Mangrove Group Lestari and PT EMP Malacca Strait S A.

          This  has been inaugrated in 2013 by Mr. H. Syamsuar, Regent of Siak. This beautiful forest have been planted by the villagers since 2004. In 2015, Ecotourism Mangrove crowded and well known by local visitors and tourist from outside of Riau. In Mengkapan village, there are many types of mangrove namely Avicenia Sp, Sonneratia SP, Rhizophora Sp, Nypah fruticans, Pandanus tectorius, Thespesia Populnea and others. Seeing the diversity of mangrove that show there is a public awareness of mangrove ecosystems in Siak.

          Moreover, in a Mangrove Mengkapan, there are beaches, rivers and beautiful scenery that can be traversed by a footpath in Black Bridge. Snail and the seashell are marine animals that live along the coast in this mangrove forest. And we can find them. Mengkapan village directly opposite with the Padang island.

          There is a Padlocks of Love, besides enjoying the beautiful park. However, the Mangrove Love Padlocks made actually to love the mangrove forest and the government expected the visitors preserve the flora and fauna around Ecotourism Mangrove Forest Mengkapan. Ecotourism area that provides a wide range of education for visitors. Package tours given much like planting once traveled, catching snails and seashell in ecotourism and provide an introduction to mangrove species that exist there.

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