Selasa, 05 April 2016



What  is Phonology ?

Phonology  is  the study of the sound systems of language.

Vowels are sound where there is an escape of the air-stream  centrally through the mouth. The descriptive parameters of vowel sounds correspond to the  tongue movement in the mouth accompanied by the lip-shaped. The other accompanying variables are :

a.      Duration  of  the vowels :

-        a long vowels is the product of a tensed tongue
-        a short vowels is the product of a lax tongue 

b.     Glottis position (vocal cord vibration)
c.      Velic position : escape of air is only through the mouth

      Lip shaped

·        Spread position : when the lips are strech out, as in /i:/ (peel)
·        Rounded position : when the lips are rounded, as in /u:/ (pool)
·        Neutral position : when the lips are netral in shape /a:/ (hard)

English vowels

         There are twelve pure vowel sounds in English (also known as monophthongs), they are :

The English Diphthongs

A diphthongs is a succession of two vowel sounds where the tonge starts in the position of one vowel and then immediately proceeds on the position of the other.


Stress is a suprasegmental features accompaniying words, phrases or sentences to emphasize or focus the important element(s)  in them.

There are various kinds or levels of stress :

(i)              Word stress

This is used to show defference in meaning between two identical words, but having different morphemic fuctions/qualities.
Example :    in’crease / ‘increase
                   Im’port / ‘import
                   In’sult / ‘insult

(ii)           Sentences stress

This is used to show importance of a specific intended meaning.
-        ‘I didn’t ask you for the book = someone else  did
-        I ‘didn’t ask you for the book = I did not although you say I did so
-        I didn’t ask ‘you for the book = I asked someone else
-        I didn’t ask you ‘for the book = I asked you about the book
-        I didn’t ask you for the ‘book = I asked you for something else

Sources :

A Linguistics Primer for Malaysians. Loga Mahesan Baskaran. University of Malay Press. 2005

37 komentar:

  1. bagus achi... lanjutkan..(y)

  2. achiii :) perfect deh presentation nya :D

  3. Nice blog...
    Thank you and I enjoy with the song

  4. Your explanation is simple. Good. So easy to understand. #waiting your next post

    1. Thank you Indah, I will post again with a simple explanation,,,

  5. Aciii penjelasannya panjang, contohnya juga bisa dimengerti, gimana kalau ada video penjelasan tentang materinya? Gomawo eonni^^

  6. Nice kak asri :)
    Background and picture sangat menarik. mungkin lebih bagus kak asri harus ada animasi nya kak :D
    agar lebih ramai dalam penampilan bloger nya :)
    thanks to presentation :)

    1. Thank you kak mike,,
      Iya asri akan coba,, makasih atas sarannya ya,, :)

  7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  8. Oke,untuk blog nya udah bagus,namun coba lebih di percantik lagi.tambahin jam ato animasi nya biar kerenan blognya,

    mengenai persentasinya,bagus kok,cuman gugup" nya coba di ilangin,biar lebih bagus lagi

    Terimakasih :)

    1. Oke permana, nanti akan dicoba jam / animasinya,
      Iya, memangsedikit gugup sih,, terimakasih ya

  9. achii kalo menurut diyanah charming sih blognya udah lengkap cuman pas menejelaskan achi gak bisa menarik perhatian audience so yang terjadi yaa i feel sleepy. sebelumnya maaf chii

    1. Makasih ya di,, iya nanti aci coba untuk menarik perhatian dalam presentasi

  10. Nice blog chi~
    But͵ saya agak bingung nih. sebenernya cakupan/bahasan/branches phonology itu apa aja sih ? Sebenernga itu phonology itu ngebahas apanya sound gitu ? I hope mbak asri bisa men-dissepear-kan keraguan hamba.
    FIGHTING !!!

  11. Thank ya asri informasinya, menambah pengetahuan saya tentang phonologhy.....
    kalau bisa blognya dibuat lebih menarik lagi biar yang baca tertarik untuk lama-lama di blog kamu

    1. Iya, sama-sama,,
      Oke, nanti asri edit lagi agar lebih menarik,,

  12. mbak asri prepare nya bagus sekali,pnjang kali lebar=LUAS wkwk,bercanda ya mbak,tapi lebih bagus kalo ada video nya biar kami lebih paham:)

    1. Oke tari,, makasih ya sarannya.. Nanti asri coba masukan videonya,,

  13. thanks mba aci, your blog so complete..

  14. thanks for information:) that all is good.
    tampilam nya juga menarik, lagu nya keren mbak :D

  15. it's nice blog aci :).i can uderstand from what you have read. but, when you are bringing a presentation, you have to know and get attention from audience ^_^

  16. penjelasan tentang materinya bagus chi, tapii sebaiknya dibuat backgroundnya chii, supaya tertarik baca postingannya..
    semangat chii!....

  17. nice posting mbak achii, but dibagian contoh tentang intonasi stress nya itu kalau bisa size gambarnya agak lebih di besarkan lagi, oke mbak, dan jugak kalu bisa di kasih video, atau sedikit warna" pada tulisanya, pasti lebih perfect lagi,.. 😉😉 okeyy mbak..

  18. mbak, fira kurang ngerti nih, pada bagian duration of vowels tu, maksudnya gimana tuh? 😓

  19. mbak, fira kurang ngerti nih, pada bagian duration of vowels tu, maksudnya gimana tuh? 😓

  20. Nice presentation and blog
    Tapi ane masih bingung yg dipelajari di phonology itu apa ? Dan bahasannya apa ?

    Your presentation was good,but it would be better if you can take full attention of audience and your voice should be louder.
    (Althought i'm not sure, i can do as good as you :D)

    Thank you

  21. nice blog asri,maybe you can add a animation and penjelasannya juga cukup jelas,but,can you explain about Glottis position and velic position? dan contohnya gimana???
    good luck asri..

  22. i like this blog because the explanation enough to upgrade my knowladge, and maybe this blog more you upgrade to asri, such as, the powerpoint maybe if we bored to reading the long text, and the animation or the color and style of the text, but actually, i am happy open this blog cause the song is good :) thankyou asri..

  23. aku juga suka,cuma penjelasan nya kurang detail jadi aku agak bingung tujuan kita belajar phonology tu apa,saya liat phonetic sama aja sama phonology ne
    tolong jawab ya?

  24. aciiii, blognya sudah nice yaaa nice bgt hehe. tapi shela kurang ngerti masalah stress, bisa gak aci jelasin lagi gimana sih stress itu ? stress ya ci

  25. apa sih perbedaan phonology dan phonetic? trus apa maksud dari stress dalam phonology
