Selasa, 17 Mei 2016



This is a posting-an about

“L  E  X  I  C  O  L  O  G  Y”

So, What is Lexicology ??

Because the word of ‘Lexis’ refers to the vocabulary of a language. In this Lexicology we will learn about :
-      Lexical Decomposition
-      Collocation
-      Denotation and connotation

Guys I have some game that can help us to know many vocabulary

1.   Zoo wordsearch

We can get many word about animals with this game
To play the games you can :

2. Guess the word

We get words about everything with this ‘Guess The Word’ game.
To play the games you can :
                                                      KLIK DISINI TEMAN

3. Keyboard Mayhem

To play the games you can :
                                                     KLIK DISINI TEMAN


An Introduction to Linguistics by  Loreto Todd

A Linguistics Primer for Malaysians by Loga Mahesan Baskaran

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