Selasa, 17 Mei 2016



Hi readers...
Come back again with me,, we gonna talk about “SEMANTICS
WELL,,       What is SEMANTICS??
        Semantics is the part of linguistics that talk about the meaning. The meaning is not thinks about the structuralist of a sentence. But sometimes we have to made a good sentence with a good structuralist and have a meaning.
        There are some types of semantics that we have to know, they are :
1.   Polysemy
Polysemy known as “many meanings”,   because in the same morphological word may have a range of different meanings at a dictionary.
For example :  “See”, have many meanings, such as :
-         Perceive with the eyes, discern visually.
-         Discern or deduce mentally after reflection or from information.
-         Meet (someone one knows) socially or buy change.
-         Escort or conduct (someone) to a specified place.

2. Synonymy
Synonymy is not always having the same meaning or a complete identity, but sometimes some words have the same sense or value for all the semantic features, although this feature is always partial or never complete.
For example : “friend” have the synonymys as “comrade”, “acquantaince”, “pal”, and “buddy”.

3. Hyponymy
Hyponymy is related to complementarity and incompatibility.  Its mean that, hyponymy is a word whose meaning contains the entire meaning of another word, the superordinate (the hypernym).
For example : “apple” is a fruit but a “fruit” is not refers to “apple”.

4. Antonymy
Antonymy is the relatonship of words, between words indicates oppositeness of meaning.
The kinds of antonymy, are :
-         Antonymity : big/small ; good/bad ; beautiful/ugly ; etc.
-         Complementarity : male/female ; alive/died; sky/earth ; etc.
-         Converseness : buy/sell ; push/pull ; give/take ; etc.

5. Idiomaticity
An idiom is a group of words whose meaning cannot be explained in terms of habitual or individual meanings of the component words that make up the phrase.

For example : a blind allery (route that leads nowhere) ; kick the bucket (die); put down (kill); etc.

Guys I have a game that can help us to learn semantics

it is a game named as Semantics wars. You can click this link in the bellow to visit and play the game.

Semantics Game 

An Introduction to Linguistics by  Loreto Todd
A Linguistics Primer for Malaysians by Loga Mahesan Baskaran

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